Intuit Quickbooks vists our studio! First in a series of videos. June 8, 2015 13:02

Throughout the month of June, Intuit Quickbooks is highlighting small businesses based right here in Detroit, Michigan. We're not sure how, but they picked us as a stop on their video tour! Every day this week on their Facebook page, they'll be releasing another minute-long Q & A about some aspect of how we do things here at Cyberoptix - from challenges to proud moments. What they focus on will be just as much a surprise to us as it is to all of you, we talked for a whole day and have no idea what little gems (or gaffes) they selected.
CYBEROPTIX_TIE_LAB_Q1_FB.movCyberoptix, Episode 1“Our client base keeps us going; the range and breadth of interests that they have, of life experience that they have, that’s what inspires us.” Your clients have passions, too. Let them be your guides. #OWNIT
Posted by Intuit QuickBooks on Monday, June 8, 2015
We were really happy to speak about our customers, as that is who keeps us going. From cats to kids to real astronauts, we have a great time dressing everyone up. Of course our internet famous Studio Cat has a cameo in this one...
Thanks so much too, to their production crew who did such a great job and got some beautiful shots of our space inside The Rust Belt Market!