Bethany Shorb, founder of Cyberoptix Tie Lab, interviewed on WJR Radio May 29, 2015 20:30

Paul W. Smith is also the host of WJR‘s “Paul W. Smith Show,” heard every weekday morning on WJR 760am. Whether he is interviewing the head of a major local company, the governor, or a Hollywood celebrity, Paul has a warm and conversational style that keeps listeners tuned in. Paul W. Smith brings a wealth of broadcast experience, knowledge, and credibility to Opportunity Detroit.
Opportunity Detroit has teamed up with Detroit’s WJR radio to bring you EVERYTHING Detroit. Endless amounts of positive energy and influence are spreading throughout the city -- there’s a lot going on in Detroit, and it’s time to get the word out to the rest of Michigan and surrounding areas. The show focuses exclusively on Detroit, its ongoing revitalization and the people who are working tirelessly to reshape the Motor City. Opportunity Detroit airs every Friday night from 7-8 p.m.